Compreensão de conteúdo multimídia na web por surdos pré-linguisticos

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Autores: Ney Cavalcante, Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira, Aline Alves, Viviane Veiga e Elaine Tavares

Publicado em: XIV Simpósio de Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, IHC 15

Ano: 2015

The pre-linguistic deaf bilingual often have difficulties in understanding of textual information available on the Internet because of their linguistic specificities. This public is entitled to access health information guaranteed by law. However, most health campaigns available on the web are not suited for pre-linguistic deaf bilingual. Thus, this work focuses on investigating and identifying the barriers faced by these users that hinder the understanding of the content of a health campaign on the web. In this context, from the observations of these users on textual information, images and videos were generated recommendations that may contribute to the understanding of the campaign by the public.

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