Análise comparativa das ferramentas de avaliação de acessibilidade

Versão acessível disponível

Autores: Humberto S. Pacheco, Patricia F. Amorim, Priscyla G. F. Barbosa & Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira

Publicado em: XV Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC), IHC 16 – São Paulo – SP

Ano: 2016

The National Award for Web accessibility is an event that rewards registered web-sites according to accessibility criteria. In this event, the registered websites are evaluated through an accessibility evaluation performed by tools such as TAW (Web Accessibility Test), ASES (Appraiser and Simulator Accessibility Sites) and Access Monitor.This work aims to study the characteristics of these three tools, as well as provide a comparative analysis among them. This work can provide knowledge to the selection of accessibility evaluation tools considering most of the criteria presented here.

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