A User Model Framework to Help the Development of Usability Oriented Systems’ Interfaces Associated

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Autor: Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira

Publicado em: Anais da conferência IAMOT – International association for Managemnt of Technology, Nancy, França

Ano: 2003

When designing a friendly interface, designers must make sure that users feel comfortable and encouraged to use it, and that the interface suits each user’s needs and expectations. For this, the interface must have several facilities that should be presented in varying forms to different users. To obtain such interfaces, it is necessary to analyze and know different users well, thus building a “user model” or a “user profile”. This paper presents a user model, and, based on the user model presented, a framework has subsequently been developed, allowing the association of different users to different interfaces. This framework helps the requirements’ engineer when defining non-functional requirements. He may consult the framework in order to define the requirements necessary to design an interface that may be instantiated for different users or for the same user that has changed his or her expertise level. Such a characteristic reduces the need for users to rethink and remember and offers a less expensive system. The framework facilitates the process reusing internal and external components, behaviors and designs throughout a system, maintaining consistency with purpose.

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