Protocols for Evaluation of Site Accessibility with the Participation of Blind Users

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Autores: Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira, Denis Silva da Silveira e Eliane Capra

Publicado em: Procedia Computer Science - ISSN 18770509 - Volume 14 - páginas 47-45

Ano: 2012

User interfaces, through which users interact with the systems, should be designed according to the accessibility guidelines, with focus on usability. To this end, the designers of these interfaces should analyze whether their requirements meet the quality requirements, including their “user-friendliness” and “accessibility” features. The design of interfaces that are able to meet the needs of users with different characteristics is not a trivial task. It is paramount to involve the users and analyze how they interact with the system. Interface evaluation methods are absolutely necessary when gauging the system's quality, since they allow the identification of many usability problems where the focus in on their accessibility. The present work aims to analyze two methods of observation involving people with totally impaired vision in order to develop a protocol with recommendations that can assist professionals in the identification of characteristics and problems, which can be solved or minimized during the interfaces’ evaluations, thus facilitating the process of system access focusing on users with totally impaired vision.

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