Evaluation of potential communication breakdowns in the interaction of the deaf in corporate information systems on the web

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Autores: Aline Alves, Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira, Viviane Santos de Oliveira Veiga e Denis Silva da Silveira

Publicado em: Procedia Computer Science - ISSN 18770509 - Volume 14 - páginas 234-244

Ano: 2012

The translation of web content into Libras (Lingua Brasileira de Sinais – Brazilian Sign Language), although adequate, cannot always be implemented, due to its high cost. Thus, the present study aims to identify and propose solutions for the potential communication breakdowns in the interaction of bilingual deaf users in corporate systems on the web. The analysis of the interaction took place at the Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) Foundation, with the utilization of the Communication Evaluation Method (CEM) of Semiotic Engineering. The results showed that the population in the study, although having experience in the web, had difficulties using the corporate system.

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