Web Scripts and Mediation Dialogues as a quality factor in the interaction of the deaf

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Autores: Aline da Silva Alves, Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira, Viviane Santos de Oliveira Veiga, Ingrid Teixeira Monteiro, Denis Silva da Silveira e Alberto Barbosa Raposo

Publicado em: Procedia Computer Science - ISSN 1877-0509 - Volume 27 - páginas  158-167

Ano: 2014

The difficulty in reading and interpreting textual information interferes in the quality of the interaction of pre-linguistic deaf in the web. This article aims at determining whether the use of new communication strategies improves interaction of the deaf. The stage of data collection and observation involved the participation of eight volunteers. Two sessions of observation of interactions were held, one with the system original interface, and another with the use of new communication strategies, using the communicability evaluation method (CEM) of Semiotic Engineering. The survey results identified that the development of communication strategies meeting the specific language of pre-linguistic of the deaf improves the quality of metacommunication, thus encouraging accessibility during interaction with the system.

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