Evaluation of usability utilizing Markov models

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Autores: Janaina Rodrigues, Morganna Diniz, Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira, Denis S. Silveira e Eliane Capra

Publicado em: Emerald Journal: Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE) – ISSN: 1741 5659

Ano: 2012 


– The purpose of this paper is to analyze the usability of a remote learning system in its initial development phase, using a quantitative usability evaluation method through Markov models.


– The paper opted for an exploratory study. The data of interest of the research correspond to the possible accesses of users in a learning system's pre‐project. The present research is intended to answer questions of the type “how”, evaluating the usability through Markov models and the interaction of the learning system's users.


– The paper provides a study which allowed the generation of a probability matrix among states and actions, which was utilized in the evaluation of usability based on Markov models, where the usability criteria specified were analyzed. Markov models allow a series of measures of interest to be calculated and they have been successfully utilized in the evaluation of computing and communication systems.


– This research aimed to investigate the utilization of Markov models in the evaluation of usability in a remote learning system in its pre‐project phase and to help in proposing improvement suggestions.

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Link para publicação oficial: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/17415651211242242