Evaluation of web acessibility: a study aimed for users with cerebral palsy

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Autores: Ariane Oliveira Ferreira, Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira, Denis Silveira e Aurélio Fernando Ferreira

Publicado em: IADIS (International Association For Development of the Information Society) International Conference - WWW/INTERNET 2011 – Rio de Janeiro

Ano: 2011

Cerebral palsy is a special condition that can lead to inability, difficulty or lack of control in the use of muscles and in certain body movements. These conditions for a long time stigmatized their victims as invalids and consequently resulted in their social exclusion. There are many tools available to help these people become part of regular society. Blogs, initially web pages aimed mostly to a young audience, are nowadays important tools in the social inclusion of cerebral palsy victims. New hardware and software technologies provide a substantial contribution to improve blogging by users with cerebral palsy. To turn the blog into a facilitator in the improvement of users with cerebral palsy, it is necessary to assess the accessibility and usability of systems so as to provide system designers and information architects with the guidelines to help them in developing tools and systems with universal accessibility features. The current study makes use of an exploratory qualitative methodology to collect enough data to support the desired results and purports to explore the difficulties and behavior of the users participating in the study, as well as to search a system that can help in the socialization of this user group. The results produced by the study show that there is still a lot to be done to make some of the hardware and software accessible so that they can be used independently by more users with cerebral palsy.

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Link para publicação oficial: http://www.iadisportal.org/digital-library/evaluation-of-web-acessibility-a-study-aimed-for-users-with-cerebral-palsy