Audio description on Instagram: evaluating and comparing two ways of describing images for visually impaired

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Autores: João Marcelo dos Santos Marques, Luiz Fernando Gopi Valente, Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira, Claudia Cappelli & Luciana Salgado

Publicado em: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 3: ICEIS, 29-40, 2017, Porto, Portugal

Ano: 2017

The social network Instagram encourages interactions among users around audio-visual content (pictures and short duration videos). However, this type of content still presents itself as a barrier for the visually impaired. To mitigate this problem, screen readers can be used, but those only work for images which have texts in the form of subtitles. Audio description, on the other hand, is a technique that describes visual images into words, allowing the comprehension of these elements. This technique has been used in many fields, fostering a scenario of inclusion and opportunities for this public. The objective of this paper is to evaluate and compare these two forms of describing images published on Instagram: one utilizing the descriptive text read by the screen reader and another utilizing audio description recorded by the image’s own author. Through an empirical study, we have identified the form of image description preferred by the visually impaired participants and if the use of audio description on Instagram would encourage its use by this public.

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