Inspeção Heurística e Observação no Contexto de Uso: Um Estudo de Caso com o RunKeeper

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Autores: Horácio Pastor Soares, Letícia Régis Di Maio, Ney Wagner Freitas Cavalcante, Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira e Horácio Pastor Soares

Publicado em: XIII Simpósio de Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, IHC- ISSN 2316-5138, ISBN 978-85-7669-291-1 - Foz do Iguaçu- Paraná

Ano: 2014

1º colocado na Competição de Avaliação

Through an online survey, the RunKeeper was chosen as the object of study of two reviews: heuristic inspection and observation in tests with 5 users above 40 years, who were unaware of the application. Scenarios and tasks walk in functionality defined in the scope of the survey were created. With analysis of data from user testing and heuristic inspection,improvements were suggested in the interface to enhance users' experiences and to remove barriers identified use.

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