Usability Oriented Information Systems

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Autores: Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira & Julio César Sampaio do Prado Leite

Publicado em: Anais da conferência do BALAS – Business Associations Of Latin American Studies – Tampa – EUA

Ano: 2002

Information systems are often implemented without paying attention to usability aspects, what leads to considerable collateral effects in final implemented systems. These effects not only increase the operation cost of those systems, but also, sometimes, is a barrier to systems effectiveness.

Our work proposes a framework that will help the information system’s professional in identifying possible problems in development of usability oriented information systems and dealing with them. We believe that our proposal is a step forward in addressing the collateral effects of not considering usability. Since usability has not been a key factor in developing information systems in Brazil, we are planning to disseminate our framework in order to educate the professional, as well as to provide a basis for implementing an information systems usability laboratory to explore and test different design alternatives.

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