Acessibilidade de Recursos em uma Interface de Motor de Busca com Foco em Usuários com Baixo Letramento

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Autores: Débora Maurmo Modesto e Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira

Publicado em: Anais da conferência do XII Simpósio de Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, IHC13 – Manaus- Amazonas

Ano: 2013

Retrieve information through search engines is not an easy activity for low literacy users. Designers and developers must understand these users' needs to improve their access to Web content. In this research, we identified the influence of some existing features of a search engine in the interaction of ten low literacy users. We analyzed users' experience and what features were used, as well as some barriers faced on the use of these features and users' perception about them. This analysis generated a list of recommendations for the development of search engine interfaces focused on low literacy users.

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