Computer assisted data collection: Ethnographic observation to support usability evaluation and design

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Autores: Luiz Agner, Patricia Tavares, Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira

Publicado em: Selected Readings of the 5th Information Design International Conference. 326 ed. Florianópolis: Sociedade Brasileira de Design da Informação, p. 313-326.

Ano: 2013

The impact of computer aided interviews on data quality has been systematically evaluated by statistical institutes in various countries. This article aims to illustrate the importance of field observation in the evaluation of computer assisted data collection. The proposed method shown herein was for application within the context of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (known in Brazil as IBGE), which performs the national census. This method (Scenario and Task Based Interviews - STBI) was designed to be implemented with the participation of interviewers who use personal digital assistants to perform statistical data collection for demographic research. The authors analyzed the usability of the application developed to support Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD). The proposed method represented a mixture of four evaluation approaches. This article emphasizes the description of the section of the method that concerns the application of ethnographic observations and results.

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