Mobile Usability

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Autores: Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira , Marcos leal Ferreira & André Machado

Publicado em: Anais da Conferência IAMOT – International Association for Management of Technology, Viena/ Áustria

Ano: 2005

The present work consists of the analysis of the interfaces of ten cellular phone devices. Five manufacturers (Nokia, Siemens, Motorola, Kyocera and Gradient) supplied two models each: a modern (high-end) one, and a simpler one. This research was motivated by the difficulties faced by users and by the proliferation of new models. In the analysis, several usability concepts related to the quality and easiness of the cellular phone, also known as non-functional requirements (NFR), were taken into account: consistency, human perception, heuristics, minimal memorization to work with the system, feedback and so on. Some functional requirements were also appraised, given that functions interfere in the way that a person relates to a device. Simple tasks in the handling of a cellular phone were taken into account: powering the device on and off; dialing a number and storing it in the phonebook; recovering the number from the phonebook in order to make a call; and sending a text message. Some specific characteristics of each device were also analyzed. The cellular phones were examined in a manner that emulated their operation by an average user, without referring to manuals and trying to understand their functions on the basis of daily experience.

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