Usability: a Key Element for Virtual Companies

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Autores: Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira, Marie Agnes Chauvel & Dennis Silveira

Publicado em: Anais da conferência XXXVII SBPO – Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional – Gramado – Rio Grande do Sul

Ano: 2005

Once information is important for organizations, their sites must be designed with the purpose of establishing a productive interaction between the system and users in order to increase people’s productivity while performing their tasks; systems must have easy to use interfaces. To obtain such interfaces, designers must considerate non-functional requirement (NFR) usability at the system definition in order to obtain quality information. This paper presents an analytical study of the NFR usability with the objective of showing how the lack of consideration of them may interfere on the quality of products. It differs from other articles once it presents an analysis of two sites: the Brazilian “”, first ticketing company established in Brazil and the multinational “”, one of world's leading ticketing company. These sites were chosen because the success of these companies relies, in part, on its ability to establish and maintain optimal communication with their clients. To perform this analysis, it was used a taxonomy that describes, enumerates and classify the requirements. The results suggest that companies belonging to developing countries may retire advantage from the fact that, usability is a crucial issue, which can lead them to develop better products in a way to face larger companies.

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