The Use of Corporate Portal as a Tool to Disseminate Knowledge

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Autores: Fernanda Oliveira & Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira

Publicado em: Anais da conferência IAMOT – International association for Managemnt of Technology –– Viena – Áustria

Ano: 2005

Organizations have been expanding their business strategies to operate online. This movement started with webmasters updating web pages without any database mechanism in the background. After a while, it evolutes to more elaborate intranet using good quality web pages, some database mechanism and integration but still with poor content. Nowadays, companies are trying to increase efficiency through corporate portals. With the advent of corporate portals, businesses have gained tools that improve the knowledge dissemination and help employees to aggregate, access and navigate through information from internal databases, internal document repositories and web sites. As the technology has evolved, navigation has become more sophisticated, content more relevant, and interfaces more user-friendly and intuitive. To succeed in a corporate portal implementation requires an elucidation of an organization’s short and long-term goals and also an understanding of how the key elements of knowledge management, such as information flows and content management, will fit into it. This paper will present a study about the importance of corporate portals and how Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, a Research Centers of the Brazilian Company of Farming Research, tied with the Ministry of Agriculture, could use a corporate portal to disseminate knowledge into the organization.

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